May 15, 2015


Giselle Cole
Mrs. Jarman
English III
8 May 2015

I have decided that "The Yellow Wallpaper" left an influence on me. The short story left me wondering what women back then went through. It must have been horrible to sit in a room all day long with no one to talk to, slowly losing your mind. No one wants that. It also made me realize how far back the feminist movement has gone. I mean, sure it is in different forms, but it all has the same purpose.

While reading this, I felt devastation towards the narrator because she was forced into isolation by her husband, John, as a form of remedy. What I don't understand is how people back then thought isolating someone would cure them of insanity. Wouldn't it just make them more anxious? And the fact is that the narrator was forced by her husband to live there. Women didn't have the right to think for themselves, it seems. Men had all the say so.

Also, I connected this to the feminist movement today and the one in the early 1900s. Women throughout  the ages have fought for equal liberties as men. We want same pay, same say, and same rights. Back then, the movement was more discreet because women didn't have any say at all, no matter what the situation. Women were

May 8, 2015

My Green Light

My green light is contains many different parts, but all of them lead to success. Happiness, love, and financial stability are all ideas of success to me. I picture myself ten years from now out of college with a degree, already in a job, and hopefully people around me to watch me succeed. I know that today, I may not come across as the one who tries their hardest, but I do. I want to go to UNC Pembroke and mayor in something along the lines of Computer Science, but I'm not sure yet. Failure is natural in life, but hopefully, I will be able to succeed.

April 20, 2015

What I Wish my Teacher Knew

I wish my teacher would understand that I do not have access to a computer. 

and I can't find my charger... I think it's in a box somewhere.

 Anyways, I only have my phone and it's so difficult for me to edit things and stuff.

Why can't they just be a little more understanding!

And then this weekend i moved and I wasn't connected to Internet long enough to do homework...

That is what I wish my teachers knew.

Random memes;

April 10, 2015

The Emancipation Proclamation

The Emancipation Proclamation is an important document from the 19th century. President Lincoln wrote it during the civil war and it was issued on January 1, 1863. Lincoln had many reasons for writing this, and one not being to free slaves. Lincoln issued this proclamation because he wanted to show the confederate states that they can't rebel and that he is still the president of the United States.

This was definitely not for humanitarian reasons. If it was, Lincoln would have freed all the slaves, not those primarily in the southern states. It sounded as if he was punishing a young child for playing in a store. Lincoln stated "power in me vested". I believe that he said this because he wanted to show them that the power was given to him by them and that he still had authority over them.

It wasn't really for military necessity either because it didn't really declare any form of war or something of that nation. It didn't state 'put down your arms or you'll lose your slaves', No, it said that they would lose their slaves in any way. The only thing that may have caused any military necessity was that Lincoln made it clear that he was the Commander in Chief, and I think he was saying I will use my army against you if you decide to take me on.

It seems more likely that Lincoln was actually secure his legacy. He was saying things like "I, Abraham Lincoln," and "power in me vested" and "Commander of Chief". It was almost as if he was showing off. He was showing the people of the Confederate States that there was no way they could defeat him.

The Emancipation Proclamation is more of an outline than anything else. It laid out how slavery should be dealt with and things of that nature. That is all that is important today. It's not important that it punished the south because we don't need them today. It doesn't matter that he threatened them with his power because we are no longer in the civil war. It's just one big outline for us to follow.

March 16, 2015

It's the End

Why can't spring break last longer?.... Well we can at least look forward to when
Anyways, all I did this spring break was watch YouTube, listen to music, and clean. My life is so interesting *laced with sarcasm*. I spent my days watching people like 
also these guys

March 10, 2015

How Spring Breaks Are

Yeah!!! Spring break!!! I don't know about you all, but all my spring breaks consist of two things. One, cleaning. Two, YouTube. 
This picture is pretty much me. Yeah... Anyways I hope you all have an amazing week. I guess that's it... Also be proactive this week. Don't just sit around like me all day. 

~Giselle Cole

March 2, 2015

E. E. Cummings

Mr. Cummings is well known poet. What you probably didn't know was that most of his poems were steamy love poems filled with explicit things that should be rated R. 
He also smoked a lot.
I love poetry. No matter how confusing it may be, I will always love to decipher the meaning.

Anyways, its
I can't wait til spring break! No school!
What I don't understand is that Easter isn't until April... Oh well.

February 2, 2015

7 Billion People!!!

There are so many people in the world today. It is just mind blowing to me. To think that in the year I was born, we reached 6 billion and almost 10 years later another billion people were added to the world. Whoa.
I never really think of things like that. It doesn't hit you that we could run out of food to eat or clean water to drink or no land to live on. It's crazy to me. If we hit 10 billion, what are we going to do?
Only 1.4 billion people are in agriculture. That's about 1/7 of the world population feeding all 7 billion of us. I don't know about you all, but that's mind-boggling. 

~Giselle Cole

February 1, 2015

Thank You... Continued

To Melia, Abby, and Jay for letting me sit at your table last year. I didn't know where I was going to sit that day or who was going to sit next to me and I'm glad that it was you guys.
Last year was a horrible year. I felt as if everyone was pushing me down, as if I was facing an army of people by myself.
For everything. 

~Giselle Cole

January 26, 2015

Thank You...

to all the people who have been nice to me this year. You are the nicest people I have ever met. 
to all the people who hate me, have hated me, and will hate me. You have made me the person I am today. I strive to be ten times nicer than you have ever been to me. 
For the longest I felt 
But then I met people like Grace and Bailey and Taquaija and Madison (and many others), and then I began to tell myself every morning 
And that no one can take that away from me. 
I want to go out there and talk to people  because 

~Giselle Cole

Sermon Post

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

The sermon's purpose is to tell the Puritans in the church that if you don't convert, or accept God, they will go to Hell. The people are to pretty much leave wanting to go and accept Him. Most people would have been afraid to hear this in 1741 because their whole lives revolve around their religion. To me, the most striking parts were when he described them going to Hell. 

January 17, 2015

Beauty and Perfection

This weekend I have decided to finish my homework early because 
Anyways, I wanted to talk about the definition of beauty and the idea of perfect. 
In today's world, many people try to fit into society, even if it means changing who you are. 

You know the sayin that "no one's perfect". Yet people try to become perfect. Some want to be "beautiful" and "slim". 
I'm saying that it doesn't matter what you look like, you just have to be proud of the person you see in the mirror. 
And realize that everyone has flaws, it just depends if you use those flaws for good or hide them from the world. 
And I know that 

~Giselle Cole (Music Is Life)

January 16, 2015


Happy Friday!!

I wish that I knew what to write, but I guess it doesn't matter because I don't think anyone will actually look here. I want people to know something. This week I learned about forgiveness. I was told to forgive a person over and over again. This person has pushed me back and forth for the longest and I know it will be hard.

I have come to realize that everything they have said is all a part of society's standards. That the ones who stand alone shall be pushed down until they have been drilled into the dirt. And for a long time I stood alone. To this day, I still stand alone. 

I have learned from many people to forget it and

Damon Fizzy (

~Giselle Cole (Music Is Life)