January 26, 2015

Sermon Post

"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

The sermon's purpose is to tell the Puritans in the church that if you don't convert, or accept God, they will go to Hell. The people are to pretty much leave wanting to go and accept Him. Most people would have been afraid to hear this in 1741 because their whole lives revolve around their religion. To me, the most striking parts were when he described them going to Hell. 


  1. Definitely, the most striking parts were Edwards's descriptions of the people's condemnations. The way Edwards stated that God abhors us, is dreadfully provoked, and can throw us into hell any moment really freaked me out. I know, that if I had been a member of Edwards's parish, listening to this sermon in 1741, I would fear for my very existence.

  2. I found it interesting how he uses the scripture that is relevant to what he is trying to say. As it is said in scripture, even the devil can recite scripture if it suits his purposes.

  3. I found it interesting when Edwards described the torture one would receive in hell. I would be scared listening to his sermon too.
