April 20, 2015

What I Wish my Teacher Knew

I wish my teacher would understand that I do not have access to a computer. 

and I can't find my charger... I think it's in a box somewhere.

 Anyways, I only have my phone and it's so difficult for me to edit things and stuff.

Why can't they just be a little more understanding!

And then this weekend i moved and I wasn't connected to Internet long enough to do homework...

That is what I wish my teachers knew.

Random memes;


  1. I understand your problem. This has happened to me multiple times. I don't have my own laptop yet and we disconnected our PC computer. So the only computers in the house I have is my sister's and dad's laptop. Since she also has work and my dad has work I don't really get a chance to use the computer. So this leads to me staying up all night to finish something or rushing in the morning at school. Also since I know if I have to use a computer or not and I need a computer I try to do all my work online in advance.

  2. I agree to teachers are just not understanding and want things done their way but sometimes we can't so yea. I just think that they want things done only their way. But that can't always happen.

  3. Not having a computer is rough, I wouldn't know so I can't exactly sympathize, but my weekends are filled with camps for basically the rest of the school year so I don't have much except a few late hours on sunday to do work
